The event is held at Putrajaya International Convention Center (PICC). My journey start about 8:30pm from Puchong, at that time the road already crowded with cars. Traffic jam at the toll toward Putrajaya.
Got lost trying to find PICC by the time I found PICC is already 9:30pm. People already start double parking at the road site. Once found a parking, we walk straight to PICC by then the time is already 9:45pm. Without wasting any more time we stop at a field and set up my camera.
10pm sharp the firework by Italy team start. The display last about 20 minutes. Right after the firework finish, everyone around rush back to their car. Seeing everyone rushing, me also start packing and rush to my car too. By the time we reached where I park my car, people already triple parked.
I reached home about 12:30am...... I was stuck in the traffic for 2 hours.
For more firework photos click here